
健康主題過敏過敏配方-Boericke & Tafel, 天然緩釋過敏小片, 40 Tablets

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  • Natural Allergy Relief

  • Multi-Symptom Relief

  • 髮旺旺
  • No Drowsiness

  • Est. 1835

  • Natural Homeopathic髮旺旺

  • Clinically Tested

  • Safe and Effective床的世界

Relieves Symptoms of:

Multi-Symptoms Relief

  • Grass, bush & tree pollen

  • Dust & Mold

  • Per dander

Relieves Symptoms of Allergies髮旺旺

Allergiemittel AllerAide is a safe, natural and effective maximum strength formula that relieves a wide variety of allergic symptoms. It contains no aspirin, antihistamines, pseudoephedrine or other central nervous system stimulants, and is safe to use with other medications.

Uses: For temporary relief of minor allergic symptoms such as sneezing; runny, stuffy, itchy, or tickling nose; red, watery, or itching eyes; scratchy throat; wheezing, or shortness of breath caused by allergies.

Boericke & Tafel, 天然緩釋過敏小片, 40 Tablets





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