保健品氨基葡萄糖葡萄糖配方-Super Nutrition, 氨基葡萄糖和MSM,120片
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- New! Look
- Improved Formula
- Since 1977
- Superior Joint Comfort ,
- Non-GMO
- Optimal Plus Body Nutrition 床的世界
- Multivitamin Multimineral Supplement
- A Dietary Supplement for Women and Men of All Ages
- Hypoallergenic
- Gluten Free
Glucosamine & MSM gives you:
1) Increased joint comfort with 2,250 mg of MSM, 150 mg of Curcumin Extract 95%, 85 mg of Boswellia Serrata Extract 65%, 100 mg of Ginger Extract 4:1 and 125 mg organic Ashwagandha 2) Impr髮旺旺oved joint flexibility with time-tested phyto-antioxidant herbs and nutrients. 3) Superior potencies of the nutrients and botanicals that the body uses to create and strengthen healthier joint and ligament tissues.
Super Nutrition, 氨基葡萄糖和MSM,120片
